January – June 2012

June 2012

In this issue:

Beware: Big Brother SARS is Watching!

Be ready for queries

Your Will: Think, and Plan It

* The starting point: what do I own and what do I owe?
* What falls into my estate for estate duty and what is excluded?
* Who do I want to leave it to?
* Should I appoint an independent executor?

How Do You File Your Emails? It Could Be Important

* An avalanche of information
* The risks – and how to avoid them
* So how long should you keep emails?

Finance 101: What Does the E-Toll Debacle Mean for Ordinary South Africans?

May 2012

In this issue:

Cell Phones and Computers: What’s The Best Way to Use them and Minimise Tax and Administration?

* Your three options – and the one to choose
* The bottom line

The New MOI (Memorandum Of Incorporation): What It Is, And What You Should Do

The CPA and Your Protection from Harm in Medical Matters

* Your rights – getting stronger
* For example……

Your Tax Deadlines for May

Finance 101: Why Are We Stifling Small Business?

* Revolution! Entrepreneurs in China and Nigeria
* Why not South Africa?
* Where to now?

April 2012

In this issue:

Your Branding: Is It Your Most Valuable Asset?

* Marketing spend is an investment
* Strengthen your balance sheet
* Register your trademark
* Avoid reputational damage!

Directors: The New Move to “Solvency” And “Liquidity” ….. Control Your Risk!

* Revised Rules in the New Companies Act
* What are “solvency” and “liquidity” tests?
* How and when must solvency and liquidity tests be performed?
* Warning!

Audit Firms to Offer B-BBEE Certification?

* The synergies and the savings

Finance 101: How Important is Information Technology to You? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself

* IT in your business
* 7 key questions…..
* …..and quantifying your risk

March 2012

In this issue:

The Budget 1: How Will It Affect Your Pocket?

* The Good News in the Budget, and the Bad
* SAICA’s Budget Overview and Tax Guide

The Budget 2: A Sea-Change For Government Strategy

From welfare…..
…..to infrastructure investment…..
…..but fiscal discipline remains…..
…..the rich are under notice…..
…..and the elephants in the room.

The New Dividend Tax – Does It Make A Difference For You And Me?

* What are the differences between STC and DT?
* Are there any exemptions?
* Reduced rates and other exceptions
* Other Matters
* Summary

February 2012

In this issue:

Is Exchange Control Over For Individuals?

The new limits…..
…..and a massive new concession

Business Rescue: Are Personal Suretyships Enforceable?

* A surety sued
* The Court decides
* Creditors and sureties – the lessons learned

PAIA Manuals: Breathing Space For Small Businesses

* Who’s off the hook, and who isn’t?

Finance 101: LEAVE Pay – The Potential Time Bomb On Your Balance Sheet

* New trends in annual leave
* The risk: what you should do

Your Tax Deadlines For February

January 2012

In this issue:

VAT Refund Delayed? Track It With The New VAT Dashboard!

* If you aren’t registered for eFiling

Beware The Tax Assessment Masquerading As A Letter!

Medical Aid Deductions Versus The New Tax Credits – Will You Pay More Tax, Or Less?

* The current system
* The new system
* Taxpayers over 65 years
* Disabled taxpayers
* The changes in a nutshell

Finance 101: Planning For Retirement

* Make a plan!
* The challenges
* Take advice
* A helping hand from tax incentives

July – December 2012