Construction Sector Notification

Apr 3, 2018 | B-BBEE Blog

The Construction Sector Charter Council (CSCC) has re-issued documents relating to B-BBEE Certificates for Exempted Micro Enterprises (EME’s)  and Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE’s) that fall within the Amended Construction Sector Code.  Thabo Masombuka, CEO of the CSCC, clarified the situation for QSE’s: “Even where Black Owned QSE’s choose not to elect enhancements provided for in terms of the Amended Construction Sector Code, they are still expected to be issued with B-BBEE certificates.”

The CSCC issued the following documents:

  • Undertaking Form for Verification Agencies to use if they wish to become recommended Verification Service Providers to conduct EME and QSE measurement of enhancement BBBEE level status under the Construction Sector Code.  Rating Agencies that are interested in using the published nominal fees and who wish to be listed on the CSCC Website must complete and return the form to the CSCC.
  • Revised Guideline for Nominal Fees to be charged by approved Rating Agencies for EME and QSE verifications.

Template wording for Affidavits under the Construction Sector Code for EME’s with revenue that qualifies them to use Affidavits – Contractors and Suppliers less than R3m and Built Environmental Professionals (BEP’s) less than R1.8m.

  • To issue any BEE Certificate under the Construction Sector Code, (EME, QSE or Generic) the issuing authority must be a SANAS Accredited Verification Agency that has received an extension of scope for the Construction Sector Code.
  • To issue an Enhanced EME or QSE Certificate, the agency must abide by the CSCC pricing and be on the list of recommended Verification Service Providers. This list will be published on the CSCC website.

Thabo Masombuka also emphasised that:

  • CSCC remains the ultimate authority on all matters relating to the interpretation and/or measurement of the whole/parts of the Construction Sector Code.
  • DTI remains the ultimate authority on all matters that relate to policy that flow from the interpretation of every Sector Code.

SANAS, through the DTI, remains the ultimate authority on all matters relating to accreditation and or verification of Sector Codes.