Contact details during lockdown

Mar 26, 2020 | FYI's

MD’s email sent out for this post |

We remain committed to the continuity of all our services and partnering with you to support the health and well-being of everyone throughout this period.  And we understand that our role as auditors and advisors is even more critical during this time.

There are many stakeholders that will be relying on our work to obtain additional support for business continuity and securing of jobs and we are looking at measures to help businesses survive the economic downturn expected over the next few months. We are committed to delivering to you and working with you, albeit in a virtual way, through this difficult period and we encourage you to engage with us should you need additional assistance and advise.

Please contact our Partners, Associates and Compliance Officer on the following email addresses:

Alexis Sacks
Dave Rich

Danie Haumann
Fatima Bapukee
Juanita Roman

Company Secretary:
Stephanie Phillips

For further Covid-19 information,
please see our dedicated website page on

In this fast-changing and challenging environment,
we send you our best wishes as we find our way together
through these difficult times.

Financial Leadership through Professional Excellence