Over the last 2 years, SARS has increased their focus on the modernisation of their systems to deter the general non-compliance by many taxpayers. Your SARS compliance status also directly impacts Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) claims – in certain circumstances the non-compliance may result in the forfeit of these ETI claims and many employers are losing out on these precious refunds.
And we have recently found that clients who have had clear Tax Clearance Certificates (TCC) over a number of years, have applied for and have been denied a TCC due to a debt dating back more than 5 years (don’t forget that SARS prescription on debt is 15 years!) and now the time and records available to fight the claims are non-existent – the only way to defend yourself is to have a TAX HEALTH CHECK that includes printing full statements of accounts to show that the entry has been raised retrospectively and then the onus of proof passes to SARS!
SARS has also criminalised certain “errors”, refer to our previous article ‘Small mistakes or inadvertent errors could potentially land you in hot water with SARS“. This has made tax compliance and ensuring that your SARS tax affairs are in order on the SARS system all the more important!
We can help you to ensure you are 100% “SARS Healthy”:
Step 1 – We will require access to SARS e-filing profiles (if not already available to us) to access your SARS tax rights
Step 2 – We will then review the last three to five tax years (or further if required)
Step 3 – We will advise about any matters that require your attention and/or action – these include outstanding returns, SARS request for information, verifications, letters of demand and where registered particulars are not updated.
Step 4 – How much will this cost you? The “health check” will be charged at an average hourly rate of R750 ex VAT whereas the work required to remedy your tax affairs would be based on a quoted estimate of the time required based on the complexities of the issues involved – we will always discuss these charges before beginning the engagement.
Please contact me to arrange your Health Check without delay. This could be your most important tax review to date.