Move your accounting system onto the cloud at a reduced rate

Aug 12, 2015 | Finance Blog

As Sage One Advisers, we have been invited to extend the following Sage One promotion to our customers.

Should you wish to move your accounting system online (onto the cloud), we can assist you with the process of obtaining the promotional discounted amount of R120 per annum (R10 per month) for your first year (2015 normal price is R1782 per annum), thereafter normal prices become due.

In order to obtain the above exclusive offer, we require a minimum of  20 clients to take up the offer by 31 August 2015, or else the offer falls away.

Should you be interested in moving your accounting package onto the cloud, kindly contact Fatima Bapukee at our offices by 21 August 2015  to review your current accounting requirements to ensure that the Sage One package meets those requirements.