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We are excited to announce that with the relaxation of Lockdown to Level 2, our team are returning to the office to resume office-based operations from MD House on 1 September!
During the past 6 months, despite the many challenges, we have been able to take advantage of the available technologies to continue to provide our full remote compliance client services. We now look forward to incorporating these technologies into our services in the future. We are confident that this combination will result in an ever improved and efficient service.
The extensive use of these new technologies has also exposed us to information overload in the business environment.
With this in mind, we have reviewed our communication strategies and will look to continuously focus them as efficiently as possible across our client base.
One of the initiatives identified is the need for quick, focused, actionable and practical notifications. We are therefore introducing a free mobile WhatsApp notification service to all our clients and providing you with relevant and up to date information as it happens and as actions are required in your businesses.
We are confident that this service will be of use to you in your business, however, we are aware that some prefer not to receive business communications on their cell phones. Please let us know if you would prefer not to be part of this service.